We keep revolutionizing
Connecting with shoppers since 1998
Founded in Spain more than 20 years ago, we are the global leader in Shopper Marketing.
Present in 9 countries and 3 continents
We partner with more than 60 retailers and more than 1600 brands.
Direct line to the omnichannel shopper
We offer a unique combination: Retail partnerships, shopper understanding and media networks; everything aiming to impact shoppers in the right place at the right time.
Committed and
passionate about
our work
in-Store Media is a team of shopper marketing enthusiasts. We are industry experts with extensive experience and a profound understanding of the shopper.
Our goal is to help retailers and brands achieve excellence in their communication with consumers.
Converting shoppers into buyers
We transform the moment of truth into a communication channel. We connect shoppers with retailers and brands by creating omnichannel communication, either through traditional, digital or online media.
We cover the omnichannel
path to purchase
of the shopper
We innovate in shopper communication by creating effective media tailored for the point of sale. All rellevant shopper touch points, either at store, online or at home, are transformed into communication channels.